Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Exam, exam, exam....... Still exam...

Exams coming, and more and more of it is coming.
Had anyone of those preparing exam papers' teacher or lecturer ever realize the use of exam???
Real use of exam is to test how good is a student on a particular subject. But now, its like, a test for students to find out who's good at cheating without letting the teachers know.

Isn't it a waste of time n the materials on publishing those exam papers for nothing ???
And, isn't there is some other way, other then exam to test how good is a student ???

To all teachers, questions of mine,
1. Does a student good on every subject is a good guy???
2. Does someone not good in exam has no good future???
3. Does the things we study so damm hardly, in SPM, STPM, and so on, bla bla bla whatever
"M",but surely isn't stands for money, those thing, is it really that useful in our future?
4. Why those politxc people still ''mimun kopi o ''? They study moral last time, they should
know ''minum'' isn't right, why they still ''minum'' ??
5. What does the result of exam mean to you?? How good your students at memorizing??
6. Who's the one started exams? Does he knows how much poeple will 不爽 him?

*take note: ''politxc'' is not refered as "politic", don't act pro ok =p
*take note2: Above statement is just my feelings, didn't mean to say any bad things of other people in exams.Thanks for reading. Have a good day^^

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